Eds Trains (eds.trains on eBay) |
Welcome to my web site. Bookmark this site if you like good deals on InterMountain Railway Co. models because I will be continually adding products and specials. I'm not spending any time to make this web site fancy, but it does contain some great prices on your favorite InterMountain Railway Co. products. I sell all InterMountain Railway Co. products at 20% off of the suggested retail price with free shipping for orders over $300.00. Before you buy any InterMountain Railway Co. product from anyone else get a quote from me. Click on the links below to see what I mean. Colorado Customers Please Read: I am no longer able to sell to customers living in the state of Colorado due to sales tax issues. If you live in Colorado and wish to make a purchase please email me at sales@edstrains.com. Note: if you have trouble making the shopping cart buttons work, it's probably because you are using a pop-up blocker. Try turning off the pop-up blocker.
Contact me with any questions at: sales@edstrains.com Click here for info on shipping & handling fees and info.