Eds Trains Shipping & Handling Info |
I charge from $6.95 to $19.95 shipping & handling for any order shipped to the U.S., depending upon the size of the order. Orders for $300.00 or more are free shipping. Normal shipping is 5 to 7 business days in the U.S. by either UPS, Fed Ex Ground or USPS Ground Advantage depending upon the size and weight of the package. For shipping outside the U.S. I will provide a quote. International buyers, if you make a purchase on my web site you will not be charged a shipping fee upon your purchase. I will calculate the shipping based upon your purchase and send you a second invoice with the correct shipping charge. Please contact me at the email address below with any questions. I don't have all of the items that are listed for sale on this web site in stock. Some items I need to get from InterMountain. In this case, it may take up to 5 business days for your order to ship. There is no way for you to order a certain car number on the web site, you need to order and then email me. If you would like a specific car number when ordering, just send me an email letting me know which car number that you would like. If you order more than one of a certain model I always ship different car numbers if possible. For example, if you order 3 of the same road name, I will ship 3 different car numbers if I have them. If you already have a certain car number and don't want a duplicate, let me know and I'll ship you a different one. You can pay with a credit card using PayPal. You can also mail me your order with a money order or personal check. Make your check out and mail your order to: Eds Trains 1504 Willowbrook Dr. Longmont, CO 80504 Email: sales@edstrains.com